JNU bans protests on campus, students flouting restrictions may be expelled

JNU bans protests on campus, students flouting restrictions may be expelled

Students of the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) will face a penalty of Rs 20,000 if they are found protesting or resorting to violence around the home of members of the institution or within a 100-metre radius of any academic and administrative buildings.

The directive is part of a chief proctor office manual that listed the “rules of discipline and proper conduct of students of Jawaharlal Nehru University” and was approved by the Executive Council of the university on November 24.

"Students could also face a fine of up to Rs 10,000 for chanting anti-national slogans and inciting intolerance towards religion, caste or community," said the manual.

The manual has listed 28 types of misconduct, which range from blockades, gambling, unauthorised occupation of hostel rooms, use of abusive and derogatory language and committing forgery.

"Students could also be fined Rs 10,000 for printing, circulating or pasting posters with derogatory religious, communal, casteist or anti-national remarks and any activity that incites intolerance towards religion, caste or community," it added.

According to the manual, students can also be fined up to Rs 6,000 or required to carry out community service at the university for holding events like freshers’ welcome parties, farewells, or disc jockey events on the university premises without permission.
The document said that a student would be expelled if they are awarded five or more punishments during the entire duration of their study, reported news agency ANI.

The Jawaharlal Nehru University Students’ Union has said the development is aimed at “stifling the vibrant campus culture that has defined JNU for decades”, reported The Indian Express.

“Such excessive regulations are intended to discourage open discussions, dissent, and intellectual exploration, which are fundamental to the spirit of our university,” the students’ union said.

The students’ body demanded that the university administration immediately revoke the new manual.

“The JNU chief proctor manual lacks clarity on several crucial aspects, leaving room for misinterpretation and arbitrary implementation,” it said, adding, “Such ambiguous rules can lead to unfair and discriminatory practices, jeopardizing the rights of individual students.”