Hamas says almost 50 Israeli hostages killed since Israel strikes began

Hamas says almost 50 Israeli hostages killed since Israel strikes began

Hamas’s armed wing on Thursday said that ‘almost 50’ Israeli hostages held by its operators in the Gaza Strip have been killed since Israel began bombarding the Palestinian territory. “(Ezzedine) Al-Qassam Brigades estimates that the number of Zionist prisoners who were killed in the Gaza Strip as a result of Zionist strikes and massacres has reached almost 50,” the group said in a statement issued on its Telegram channel.

Late on Wednesday, Russia and China vetoed a US push for the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to act on the Israel-Hamas conflict by calling for pauses in fighting to allow humanitarian aid access, the protection of civilians and a stop to arming Hamas and other militants in the Gaza Strip.

The United States put forward a draft resolution on Saturday as global outcry grew over a worsening humanitarian crisis and mounting civilian death toll in Gaza. It made the move just days after it vetoed a humanitarian focused draft from Brazil, arguing more time was needed for US-led diplomacy.

The initial US text shocked many diplomats with its bluntness in stating Israel has a right to defend itself and demanding Iran stop exporting arms to militant groups. It did not include a call for humanitarian pauses for aid access. But it largely toned down the final text that was put to the vote.

“We did listen to all of you,” US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield told the 15-member council after the double veto, which she described as disappointing. “Though today’s vote was a setback, we must not be deterred.” It was a rare move by the US to suggest Security Council action. Washington has traditionally shielded its ally Israel at the world body.

Ten members voted for the US text, while the United Arab Emirates voted no and Brazil and Mozambique abstained.

“The draft does not reflect the world's strongest calls for a ceasefire, an end to the fighting, and it does not help resolve the issue,” China’s UN Ambassador Zhang Jun told the council after the vote. “At this moment, ceasefire is not just a diplomatic term. It means the life and death of many civilians.” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has been appealing for a humanitarian ceasefire.

In the wake of the Security Council deadlock, the 193-member UN General Assembly will vote on Friday on a draft resolution

put forward by Arab states that calls for a ceasefire. No country holds a veto in the General Assembly. Resolutions are non-binding, but carry political weight.

Russia’s UN Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia accuses the US of putting up a draft resolution that represented Security Council authorisation of a ground offensive in Gaza by Israel “while thousands of Palestinian children will continue to die.” After the double veto, the Security Council then voted on a rival Russian-drafted text that called for a humanitarian ceasefire and withdrawal of Israel’s order for civilians in Gaza to relocate south ahead of a ground assault.

Russia failed to the get minimum amount of support needed, winning only four votes. A resolution needs at least nine votes and no vetoes by the United States, France, Britain, Russia or China to be adopted. It was Russia’s second attempt at a resolution. Only five council members voted in favour of a Russian text on October.

TikTok warning

Malaysia’s communications regulator will issue a warning to social media firms TikTok and Meta for allegedly blocking pro-Palestinian content on their platforms, its communications minister said on Thursday.

Meta has since said it was not deliberately suppressing voices on its Facebook platform after Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil said the social media platforms had been accused of restricting content supporting the Palestinians.

Death toll At least 7,028 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, while more than 1,400 people have been killed in Israel since October 7.