McCoy Corporation

McCoy Corporation

The company's history dates back to 1914 when Henry McCoy opened a blacksmith shop in downtown Edmonton. Since then, McCoy Corporation has grown with Alberta and developed new products and services corresponding to new needs of Albertans. The company's activities have focused on serving the transportation industry. Over the years the company has expanded to serve the related needs of major sectors as they developed in Alberta. General transportation (horse drawn in the early years), agriculture, oil and gas, forestry, construction, and recreational travel - all are areas served by the company.

McCoy manufactures and distributes hydraulic power tongs for use on drilling rigs. Its Scona Trailer Manufacturing unit makes lowboys, flat decks, step decks, and oilfield floats. The company's Peerless Limited subsidiary manufactures logging trailers. McCoy operates two Real McCoy Service Centres in Edmonton, Alberta, and another in Red Deer, Alberta. McCoy also offers truck and trailer maintenance services and has a 50% stake in an International Truck dealership.

Contact Details

Office Address

McCoy Corporation
#301, 9618 - 42 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6E 5Y4
Phone: 780-453-8451
Fax: 780-453-8756


President and CEO

Jim Rakievich


Kerry Brown

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