SER Solutions Deutschland GmbH

SER Solutions Deutschland GmbH

SER Solutions Deutschland GmbH (formerly SER Systems AG) filed for insolvency in 2002 and then re-emerged with a new name and new management. SER Solutions provides software for knowledge, document, and workflow management, allowing companies to share, analyze, and distribute information throughout enterprises. The company's products incorporate predictive, neural network technology to analyze and classify content (regardless of format), then associates and stores the information with similar information, allowing users to quickly locate and extract data. SER's former US unit is under separate ownership.

Contact Details

Office Address

SER Solutions Deutschland GmbH
Innovations Park Rahms, Neustadt/Wied, Germany D-53577
Phone: +49-2683-984-0
Fax: +49-2683-984-222


Managing Director

Kurt-Werner Sikora

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