Zoom Information, Inc

Zoom Information, Inc

Zoom Information company wants to be speedy with its business information. Better known as ZoomInfo, Zoom Information is a growing provider of information about industries, companies, and executives. Its Web site and search engine, with profiles on more than 5 million companies and nearly 50 million people, is used by customers for such purposes as recruitment, sales leads, and competitive intelligence. The company generates revenue mostly through advertising and subscription fees, as well as through content licensing. Its more than 3,000 customers have included firms such as Wachovia, Nationwide, and Intel.

Contact Details

Office Address

Zoom Information, Inc
307 Waverley Oaks Rd.
Waltham, MA, USA 02452
Phone: +1-781-693-7500
Fax: +1-781-693-7510


CEO and Chief Scientist

Jonathan Stern


Sam Zales

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