Ziff Davis Holdings Inc.

Ziff Davis Holdings Inc.

Ziff Davis, Inc. is a leading digital media company specializing in the technology market. One of the first tech media publishing companies to build and grow dedicated, digital businesses, Ziff Davis, Inc. is a name trusted by an ever-growing population of unique online visitors. In the United States, we are most recognized by our award-winning online technology network. Ziff Davis, Inc. also has a strong international presence, with brands represented in 45 countries and in 17 languages.

We distinguish ourselves from our competitors through comprehensive evaluations of the newest and hottest products in The PCMag Labs, as well as through our relationships with recognized industry experts and the thought-provoking reviews, opinions and insights of our editors. Ziff Davis, Inc's sites are the first stop for many consumers and imminent buyers searching for trusted buying advice. We provide our well-educated, influential buying audience with the information they need to make important purchasing decisions. Reaching more than 30 million tech buyers, visitors and attendees, Ziff Davis, Inc. provides total market coverage of SMB/consumer technology enthusiasts through our portfolio of award-winning brands. At the same time, our advanced online contextual marketing solutions enable marketers to more easily target imminent technology buyers and achieve significantly higher response. Ziff Davis, Inc. has offices in New York City and San Francisco.

Contact Details

Office Address

Ziff Davis Holdings Inc.
28 E. 28th St.
New York, NY, USA 10016-7930
Phone: (212) 503-3500



Vivek Shah

President; President, Ziff Davis Media

Peter Weedfald

Business Reviews for Ziff Davis Holdings Inc.

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