Andrade Gutierrez S.A
The Andrade Gutierrez Group has a renowned history of competence and creativity in the execution of large enterprises in Brazil and throughout the world. Founded in 1948 in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, the Group is one of the largest private groups in Latin America, with operations in Engineering and Construction, Telecommunications, Power, and Public Concessions. The AG Group operates according to strategies of business generation, quality, long-term growth, integration with the communities, local employee value and development, and commitment to environmental balance. Today, the Group is a corporation fully adapted to the latest international trends, with the flexibility to establish partnerships, to identify opportunities in the industries in which we operate, and to establish contracts in diverse modalities.
Contact Details
Office Address
Andrade Gutierrez S.A
Avenida do Contorno 8123
Cidade Jardim
Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil 30110-910
Phone: +55-31-3290-6699
Srgio Lins de Andrade
Otvio Marques de Azevedo
Director Corporate Finance
Ricardo H. Lanza Campolina