Logibec Groupe Informatique Ltd.

Logibec Groupe Informatique Ltd.

Logibec Groupe Informatique Ltd. was founded in 1982 and went public in 1986. Logibec is among the fastest-growing North American companies specializing in the development, marketing, implementation and support of information systems for the health and social services sector. Since its acquisition of MDI Technologies, Inc., in June 2005, Logibec has continued to expand its American activities with the recent acquisition of the assets of Achieve Healthcare Technologies and QuickCARE Software Services and is now a leader in the U.S. with a customer base of approximately 7,000 facilities. Its American activities are now managed under the name MDI Achieve. Logibec's services are delivered by an experienced team of approximately 430 employees. The Company has its head office in Montreal as well as offices in Quebec City, Edmonton, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Dallas, Tampa and Smithfield, Virginia.

Contact Details

Office Address

Logibec Groupe Informatique Ltd.
700, rue Wellington, bureau 1500
Montréal, Québec, Canada H3C3S4
Phone: +514-766-0134
Fax: +514-766-9237



Andre Gauthier

President and CEO

Claude Roy


Marc P. Brunet

Business Reviews for Logibec Groupe Informatique Ltd.

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