Rouse & Co. International Limited

Rouse & Co. International Limited

The law firm provides a variety of services related to intellectual property (IP) law, including researching and registering patents, designs, trademarks, domain names, and other claims; managing IP portfolios; and IP rights litigation. Its customers come from such industries as biotechnology, IT, consumer products, transportation, financial services, and media and entertainment. Clients have included BMW , Honeywell, Starbucks, Oxford University Press, and Christian Dior. Rouse & Co. has about 20 offices Asia, Australia, the United Arab Emirates, the US, and the UK.

Contact Details

Office Address

Rouse & Co. International Limited
11th Floor, Exchange Tower
1 Harbour Exchange Square
London, UK E14 9GE
Phone: +44-20-7536-4100
Fax: +44-20-7536-4200

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