Republican National Committee Inc.

Republican National Committee Inc.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) says it's a big tent open to all who want to come inside. It's the political and fund-raising engine behind the GOP (Grand Old Party), party of many US presidents from Lincoln to Bush. It has branch offices in all 50 US states; it publishes party rules, the party platform, and Rising Tide, a quarterly magazine. In its early days, it worked to abolish slavery, give African-Americans and women the right to vote, and provide equal protection under the law. Its party principles include a belief that government should stay out of individual decisions, equal rights for all, and states rights. Michael Steele became chairman in 2009.

Contact Details

Office Address

Republican National Committee Inc.
310 First Street, SE
Washington, DC, USA 20003
Phone: (202) 863-8500
Fax: (202) 863-8820



Michael Steele

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