Elotic Silver
Elotic Silver: A branded 925 Silver Jewellery brought to our customers by a team of multi-talented and jewellery passionate professionals at Vipul Jewellers, located in beautiful city of Panchkula. (Near world class, renowned city of India i.e Chandigarh). Our location and experience allows us to offer our customers finely crafted Silver Jewellery studded with cubic zirconia and other semi-precious stones at extremely cost-effective prices. An excellence in products and extremely transparent business ethics are the cornerstone of our business which assures our customers that they will receive the highest quality product and customer service at the lowest possible price. Fulfilling customer need is always in focus at Elotic Silver. We do not sell products at our store but just cater to the customer needs and that is the spirit inculcated into each staff member of Elotic Silver.