This page contains the list of companies in Finance category. Click on the company name to get further details of the company.
CanFin Homes Ltd, set up under the sponsorship of Canara Bank, was incorporated in the year 1987, "The International Year of Shelter for the Homeless".The main objective of setting up the company was, promoting home ownership and as well, increasing the housing stock in the country. It is the first housing company to be promoted by a nationalized bank in India. CanFin Homes Ltd is one of the top players in the housing finance sector, in the country today. The company has completed 29 successful years of operation in the field of home finance and has a renowned history of making profits and paying dividends continuously, since inception in 1987.

DHFL – one of India’s leading housing finance companies, is committed in creating, protecting and maintaining your dream home, by offering attractive interest rates. We are here to guide you on everything you need to know about availing a home loan. For over three decades, we have been fulfilling the dreams of millions of Indians who want to own a home of their own. Our focus is on providing easy and accessible housing finance to the lower & middle income groups in India, transforming their aspirations into reality. Apart from various types of housing loans, we also offer a wide range of other loan options like Loan Against Property, Business Loans, Plant & Machinery Loan, Medical Equipment Loan etc. We also offer deposits at attractive interest rates.

GIC Housing Finance Limited, was incorporated as 'GIC Grih Vitta Limited' on 12th December 1989.The Company was formed with the objective of entering in the field of direct lending to individuals and other corporates to accelerate the housing activities in India. The primary business of GICHFL is granting housing loans to individuals and to persons/entities engaged in construction of houses/flats for residential purposes.

GRUH Finance Ltd loan products offer multiple options of amortisation and interest calculation with a view to enable sharing of interest rate risk based on individual credit capabilities.

The Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd. (HUDCO) was incorporated on April 25, 1970 under the Companies Act 1956, as a fully owned enterprise of the Government of India.HUDCO focus on the social aspect of housing and utility infrastructure provision. Preferential allocation of resources to the socially disadvantaged.

HDFC has emerged as the largest residential mortgage finance institution in the country. Promoted by the ICICI, with initial equity investments from the International Finance Corporation and the Aga Khan Foundation.
Incorporated in 1989, LIC Housing Finance Ltd (LICHFL) is one of the largest Housing Finance Companies in India with a key objective of providing long term finance to individuals for the purchase or construction of house/flat for residential purposes in India. LICHFL also provides finance on existing property for business/ personal needs and also gives loans to professionals for purchase/construction of Clinics/Nursing Homes/ Diagnostic Centers/ Office Space and also for purchase of equipment. The Company also provides finance to builders and developers engaged in the business of construction of houses or flats for residential purpose and to be sold by them.

National Trust Housing Finance Ltd. (NATRUST), a housing finance company head quartered at Chennai and having South India as its marketing focus. Incorporated in 1995 as a pioneer in Affordable Housing Finance, Natrust caters to the requirements of low to mid income salaried and self-employed customers who are in the affordable housing segment in Tier II and Tier III cities and towns. Natrust operates across the four Southern States of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana with its foot prints in twelve branches and two marketing offices.

Repco Home Finance Limited(RHFL) is promoted by Repco Bank a Govt. of India enterprise. RHFL started functioining as an HFC in May 2000 and subsequently obtained the 'GREEN' registration from the housing finance regulator National Housing Bank with provision to extend housing loans and accept deposits.
As a leading conglomerate, dynamism and the desire to evolve have always led Shrachi to explore newer territories in its ventures. Since its inception, Mr. Ganesh Narayan and Mr. Brijlal Todi have inspired the team to Dream and Do. Thus began the journey of Dreamers who Do. Today, the Rs. 1000-crore conglomerate had expanded into businesses as diverse as Real Estate, Agro machinery, Engineering & EPC and Stationery under the able leadership of Mr. S.K.Todi and his sons Mr. Ravi Todi and Mr. Rahul Todi. The Real Estate division of Shrachi Group has been changing the sky line of Eastern India with landmark projects such as Renaissance Township (Burdwan), Synthesis Business Park (Kolkata), RESTELLO (Kolkata) and many others. The Agro machinery division (BTL EPC Agro) is presently the fourth leading company of its kind and manufactures agro equipment like power tiller, power weeder, power reaper and garden tools like brush cutter, chain saw etc. The Engineering wing is a cost leader amongst the EPC contracting companies with its own manufacturing units pan India. Brijlaxmi Paper Products Pvt. Ltd.
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