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  This page contains the list of companies in Engineering & Machinary category. Click on the company name to get further details of the company.
» Instruments & Equipments
Abrasion Testers, Accessibility Test Sets, Ammeters, Ball Pressure Testers, Barometers, Battery Testers, Bearing Analysers/testers, Bomb Calorimeters, Breakdown Testers, Cement Testers, Centrifuges, Concrete Testers, Continuity Testers, Current Leak Testers, Dead Weight Testers, Densitometers, Dial Gauges/meters, Diaphragm Gauges/meters, Drop Testers, Dynamometers, Earth Testers, Electrophoresis Apparatus, Endurance Test Rigs, Extensometers, Flame Photometers, Fluorescence Analysers, Frequency Gauges/meters, Galvanometers, Gas Flow Gauges/meters, Hardness Testers,....

» Instruments Internazionale
Air Samplers, Compression Testers, Erichsen Cupping Testers, Fatigue Testers, Hardness Testers, Impact Test Apparatus, Laboratory Equipment, Leather Testing Equipment, Melt Flow Index Testers, Paper Testers, Plastic/pvc Testing Equipment, Rubber Hardness Testers, Tensile Testing Machine, Torsion Testers, Universal Testing Machine.

» ITC Engineering Company
ITC Engineering Company is the house of fittings, pipes, valves, Instrumentation Company.

» Jagson Airlines Ltd
Jagson Airlines Ltd. as one of the pioneers in the field of Air Taxi operations. The announcement of the open sky policy in 1991 opened up new vistas in the field of aviation. Jagson Airlines is the First Private Airline to avail of the opportunities accorded by this policy. The airlines commenced its operations in 1992 and since then....

» Janki Electronics
Balancing Machine, Fatigue Testers, Hardness Testers, Metallography Gauges/meters, Microscopes, Spring Testers, Tensile Testing Machine, Torsion Testers, Universal Testing Machine.

» Jaya Sai Jyothi Metal Works
Our products are stainless steel utensils.

» Jyothi Industries
Products available at Jyothi Industries are CI.special joints.

» Kamal Testing Machines
Kamal Metal Industries, established in 1968 is an eminent organization engaged in the process of manufacturing an exporting a wide range of High Precision Equipment and Testing Machines. Our range of machines includes universal testing machine, computerized testing machines microprocessor based fabric and lea tester, etc. These machines are widely used in various industrial organizations. Our company has earned....

» Khushbu Engineers
An ISO 9001:2008 certified company, Khushbu Engineers is a prominent name in manufacturing and export of a comprehensive range of CNC single pass honing machines for various requirements. Extensively used by the leading names of industry, our products are outcome of continuous R&D. We have an in-house facility that corresponds with the entire assembly and operational requirement. Khushbu is....

» Krishna Engineering Works
Products available at Krishna Engineering Works are machinery equipments & spares spealists in alloy casting coatings.

» Lab-fine Instruments
Abrasion Testers, Bend Test Apparatus, Erichsen Cupping Testers, Grinding Gauges/meters, Hardness Testers, Hegman Gauges/meters, Impact Test Apparatus, Load Testing Equipment, Paint Testing Gauges/meters, Peel Strength Testers, Salt Spray Corrosion Test Chambers, Scratch Test Systems, Skid Test Apparatus, Tensile Testing Machine, Viscometers.

» Lakshmi Engineering Works
Services available at Lakshmi Engineering Works are engineers, engine reconditions & fabricators.

» Lakshmi Machine Works Ltd
Lakshmi Machine Works Limited (LMW) founded in the year 1962 is today a global player and one among the three manufacturers of entire range of Textile Spinning Machinery from Blow Room to Ring Spinning. LMW diversified into CNC Machine Tools and is a brand leader in Manufacturing customised products.LMW Foundry makes Precision Castings for industries world over. LMW has....

» Lubi Electronics
LUBI group is committed in generating growth by meeting customer demand. Such growth is only possible by collaborating different business units within the organization to deliver the globally challenging customer demand. Deliver right products, services and support at ever reducing cost. Our aim[goal] is to steadily and consistently enlarge our earning base created on our strong track record for....

» M.G. Exports
MG Exports is the leading manufacturer and supplier of customized high technology equipment spares for the textile industry in a highly competive international market. Their products have carved a niche with proven reliability and commitment towards customized spares that meet any of your requirements. Low maintenance & Low costs while yielding high quality production, are some of the factors....

» Machine Tools (India) Ltd
Co-ordinate Measuring Machine, Optical Measuring Gauges/meters, Process Control Systems, Profile Projectors, Surface Roughness Testers, Surface Testers.

» Madhuchitt Industries
We cater to niche, Hi-Tech products and markets and thus adapt quickly to cater to the high capital and low volume sales. Due to our reputation and extensive network, we are normally requested by a customer to locate a suitable supplier for their specialized needs. Sometimes tenders are raised to our specifications eliminating competition.

» Mahisa Electronics
Dispensing Machines, Hardness Testers.

» Manish Traders
Bore Gauges/meters, Co-ordinate Measuring Machine, Combination Sets, Dial Calipers, Gauge Blocks, Gauging Fixtures, Height Gauges/meters, Inspection Tools, Linear Scales, Micrometers, Microscopes, Precision Measuring Gauges/meters, Profile Projectors, Roundness Testers, Squareness Checking Gauges/meters, Surface Testers, Thickness Gauges/meters, Vernier Calipers.

» Maram Polymers (P) Ltd.
Our products are plastic printed containers.

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