Minerals & Metals > Gold & Precious Metals > Deccan Gold Mines Ltd | Deccan Gold Mines Ltd |  | Deccan Gold Mines Ltd. (DGML), is the first and the only gold exploration company listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE) which was established in the year 2003 by promoters with deep roots in the exploration and mining sector. DGML has been involved in gold exploration activities in the states of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh where the activities have resulted in defining a number of gold prospects spread across these states. All these prospects have been covered under various applications and the details of these applications are presented in the section titled "Status of Applications".The ultimate objective of DGML is to advance these gold prospects into commercial gold production. DGML has so far explored an area of around 6,574 sq. kms. in Dharwar Shimoga Greenstone belt, Hutti-Maski Greenstone Belt, Mangalur Schist Belt in the State of Karnataka, Ramagiri Schist Belt in Andhra Pradesh and Attapady Valley in Kerala. Multi parametric exploration techniques such as remote sensing studies, regional and detailed geological mapping, regional and detailed geochemical and geophysical esploration, topographic survey, various methods of drilling and multi element chemical analysis were adopted in undertaking the exploration work, as per international standards. India is a country rich in mineral resources. A major portion of the country is composed of Precambrian rocks which have hosted major gold discoveries worldwide. There were over a hundred gold mining centres in the early part of last century.Inspite of having some of the best potential ground for gold mineralization, India’s annual primary gold mine output has reduced significantly to below 5 tonnes. The land of the world famous Kolar Gold Fields and the largest consumer of gold on earth, India has suffered in developing its gold mining potential due to lack of adequate exploration expenditure, the nationalistic policies of the previous governments and a non investor friendly mineral policy.The new India, with a strong economic growth outlook, is looking to revive the mineral exploration and mining sector through foreign and Indian private investment and the planned introduction of liberalised internationally compatible mining policies. DGML with some of the best gold prospects in the country, geologically similar to areas that have been home to major world gold discoveries, is playing a leading role in this revival. | | Visit Website |
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