Engineering & Machinary > Aerospace Engineering > Jaisara Tooling Systems (P) Ltd | Jaisara Tooling Systems (P) Ltd |  | We are an 18-year old profit making, ISO-9001 company, with expertise in the manufacture of Aircraft Engine Overhaul and Production tools. This has been our specialization over the last ten years. This is now our Core Business. Prior to this, our well-equipped precision tool room has distinguished itself in the design and manufacture of various types of production tooling for Armored Personnel Carriers and Machine Tools. Our chief promoter Managing Director, Manohar Rao Vangoori, is a mechanical engineer with 40 years of experience in the field of Design and Manufacture of Tooling. Under his able guidance and leadership, our company has established a reputation of Excellence in Quality Tooling for leading public and private sector companies in India and abroad.
During the first eight years, we designed and manufactured Press Tools, Jigs & Fixtures, Fixtures for CNC Machines & Machining Centers, Metal Moulds & Metal Patterns and Precision Investment Casting Moulds for Private and Public sector companies, and for Ordinance Factories. The maximum size of press tool built by us weighed 16 Metric tons and was of the size 2.75 x 1.70 metres. | | Visit Website |
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31-A/A MLA Colony, Road No. 12 Banjara Hills Hyderabad, Te, 500034 Phone: +91-40-23322751 Fax: +91-40-23322751 |
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Phone: +91-40-27802104 Send Mail |
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|  | Jaisara Tooling Systems (P) Ltd
We are an 18-year old profit making, ISO-9001 company, with expertise in the manufacture of Aircraft Engine Overhaul and Production tools. This has been our specialization over the last ten years. This is now our Core Business. Prior to this, our well-equipped precision tool room has distinguished itself in the design and manufacture of various types of production tooling.... Visit Website |
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