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Exports & Imports >  Handicrafts > Himadri Exports
Himadri Exports

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Office Address: 7/56,
Old Rajinder Nagar,
New Delhi, DH, 110060
Contact Person: Phone: +91-11-25851328
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Phone: +91-11-25850132
Home Decor
Home Decor offers a wide range of wooden & iron furniture, decorative handicrafts, antique reproductions, dining room set, bedroom sets etc. The company employs latest imported techniques for finishing of products.It is a 100% export oriented concern and at present is exporting its products to USA, Europe and Australia. The company has sales volume amounting to over one crore....
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Imperial Arts

INDIA WOOD CRAFTS present an exclusive medley Indian Wooden Handicraft. These Indian Wooden Handicraft items reflect the true spirit of Indian Craftsmanship along with the right shades of traditional beauty and style. The wooden figures, chess set, gold painted figure, animal figure and other Indian Wooden Handicraft Items are designed and crafted by special and award winner craftsman to....
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Indico Crafts
Gift Boxes, Photo Frames, Note Books, Lamp Shades, Photo Albums, Paper Streamers, Journals, Ladies Beaded Purses, Paper Bags, Greeting Cards, Paper Stars.

kamini_krafts.jpgKamini Krafts
Pareos, Bandanas, Hand Kerchieves, Bags, Belts, Accessories.

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