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Exports & Imports >  Textiles > Pankaj Handloom
Pankaj Handloom
Pankaj Handlooms manufactures and supplies an exclusive fashionable ranges of handloom products. Many products which use to be made on traditional handlooms and power looms are all being made keeping in mind the high quality standards. Indian Textile Handlooms form the ancient times and overview of the prevailing traditions. Handlooms are an important craft product and comprises the largest cottage industry of India. The professional team at Pankaj Handlooms with years of experience in manufacturing is devoted to fulfill the new and fancy textile needs of the clients across the world. With in-time submissions the company stands unique as the best supplier for handloom fabrics. The company manufactures and supplies best quality handlooms at best competitive prices in the export market of USA, Germany, Italy, U.K.

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Office Address: A-155, Basement
Lajpat Nagar
New Delhi, DH, 110024
Phone: +91-11-29812541
Mobile: +91-9899696766
Contact Person: Mr. Pankaj Jain 
Phone: +91-11-29812541
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Phone: +91-11-29819188
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