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Engineering & Machinary >  Machinery and Tools > Rex Engineering Industries
Rex Engineering Industries
Our company Rex Engineering Industries was established in 1974 by a technocrat of great foresight and business acumen, Mr. Jivrajbhai Mistry. Today Rex Engineering has become a market leader in the business of steam conserving products supplied to machinery and plant manufacters in the field of paper manufacture, textile, chemical, plastic, food processing, petrochemicals, fertilizers, steel etc. in private and public sector companies worldwide.
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Office Address: Mohan Villa, Plot No 281, Near L-130, G.I.D.C. Estate, Behind L Type Shed
Ahmedabad, GJ, 382415
Phone: +91-79-22871151 / 1351 / 5151
Fax: +91-79-22875051
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Contact Person: Phone: +91-79-22871351
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Phone: +91-79-22875051
rexello.jpgRexello Castors Pvt. Ltd.
When Rexello began the manufacture of castor wheels way back in 1958, little did it realize that it would one day be catering to the needs of customers in USA, UK, Australia, Middle East., Africa, Sri Lanka – not to mention the unending demands of the vast Indian Market. From a small workshop measuring about 200 square feet,....
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rishilaser.jpgRishi Laser Cutting Ltd.
At Rishi Laser Cutting, You get more than just laser cutting. A Complete range of facilities for sheet metal fabrication; from complex bending, for sheet metal fabrication; from complex bending, forming to painting and plating. In other words, walk in with a design and walk out with a finished job. Minimum time, maximum value.
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rockwin.jpgRockwin Flowmeter India Pvt. Ltd.
Since 1976, Rockwin has been producing high performance flowmetering equipments and has to its credit several new developments in technology and equipments for process control instrumentation. The Rockwin works are situated at Sahibabad, an industrial nerve centre near New Delhi. The plant has a covered area of more than 18,000 Sq. Ft. with sufficient space for future expansion. The current....
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rollonbearings.jpgRollon Bearings Pvt. Ltd.
Rollon Bearings offers Turcite ‘B’ wear plates or wear pads. These are used to overcome the problem of wear in critical sliding surfaces of machinery in sugar mills, cement plants and other engineering applications, with advantage. Rollon Turcite ‘B’ is a modified bronze sintered PTFE material with inherent characteristics of self-lubrication. Low-friction and high-load bearing capacity. Special wear-resistance additives....
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Roots Multiclean Limited
Industries around the world have realized that good housekeeping and high environmental standards cannot be met by conventional methods of cleaning. The emphasis today is more mechanized cleaning operations, which has proven to be more efficient and economical. Roots state-of-the-art mechanized floor cleaning and floor care equipments are already working to the entire satisfaction of the customers in several....

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