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Engineering & Machinary >  Machinery and Tools > S.P. Engineers
S.P. Engineers
Spring Balancer, Aluminium Piping Work, Air Hose Reel, Oil, Grease, Water, Hose Reels, PU Recoil Hoses, Air control Units, Quick Release Coupling, Polyurethane Tubings, Push on Fitting, and Air Blow Gun.
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Office Address: Gala No. G-7, M.K. Indl. Estate, Sonawala X Road No. 2,
Mumbai(E), MH, 400063
Contact Person: Phone: +91-22-26852243
S.S. Earth Movers
Hydraulic Cylinders, Rock Buckets, Narrow Buckets, Single Slank Ripper, Slope Finishing Buckets, Ripper Buckets for all Earthmoving Equipments.

S.S. Engineering Industries
Flow Gauges/meters, Oil Test Kits.

rikkonlubes.jpgS.V.A. Rikkon Lube Pvt. Ltd.
Started in 2004 and later becoming as private limited in the year 2004, S.V.A Rikkon Lubes Private Limited is a growing organization excelling in manufacturing and supplying lubrication equipment for industrial and automotive sectors like industrial oil pumps, industrial grease pumps, shell oil coolers, industrial grease pumps, spray pumps, oil injectors, grease injectors, motorized grease pumps, motorized barrel pumps,....
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Safex Equipments Pvt. Ltd
Material handling Equipment Suppliers & Contractors.
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Sahaj Industries
Sahaj Industries have developed Electronic Digital Indicator to convert Mechanical Universal Testing machine (UTM) and Mechanical Tensile machine (TTM) into Electronic Digital Tensile Testing Machine. The Micro controller based Digital Load Indicator can be calibrated suitably in KG/KN.The Machine can be calibrated as per IS 1828 / BS 1610 using proving ring / Dynamometer traceable to NPL Delhi for....

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