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Chemicals >  Miscellenous Chemicals > Prachi Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd
Prachi Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd
Prachi Pharmaceuticals Private Limited, a GMP certified firm, are engaged in manufacturing and exporting a comprehensive range of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients. Our offered range of products encompasses Iodine compounds, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Specialty Chemicals. These products are formulated using high quality basic ingredients in accordance with the international quality standards. Our company is widely acclaimed for the best quality standards it has adopted and its state of the art manufacturing facility.We have been able to gain a remarkable reputation in the industry. This is further strengthened with our diligent efforts and greater understanding of the customer's requirements. We employ best of the machinery in our processes to obtain commendable results. We are fortunate to have the best team of professionals who have in depth knowledge and are conversant with latest processing techniques. We ensure that our product goes through different quality tests so as to ensure the maintenance of the desired quality standards. Our products are of supreme quality and have satisfied a large number of customers. Our clients are spread over the markets of All over the world and we are importing our products from China.Under the mentorship of Mr. Pankaj Shah, our company has reached new heights of excellence. His vast experience in this field and leadership qualities have led us miles ahead in the market. Owing to his commendable knowledge, we have developed a strong foothold in the market and garnered unsurpassable ability to confront various challenges to the industry.
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Office Address: No. 11/1, Rakhangi Mahal, Acharya Donde Marg, Opposite Wadia, Childrens Hospital
Mumbai, MH, 400012
Phone: +91-22-24132411, 24131362
Mobile: +91-9323420671, 9004877711
Fax: +91-22-24130877
Contact Person: Phone: +91-22-24132411
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