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Polyproof Construction Chemicals
Exporters and suppliers of phyto chemicals, plant chemicals, nutrachemicals such as methoxalen, lycopene, soflavones, flavonoids, 10 DAB III, paclataxal, beta- carotein, chondroitin sulphate, methyl sulphonyl methane, glucosamine sulphate sodium, etc

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Office Address: 2, Ganesh Kripa Society, Marwadi Compound, Besides Roles Shopping Centre,
Goregaon (W),
Mumbai, MH, 400062
Contact Person: Phone: +91-22-28784971
pocl_4.jpgPondy Oxides And Chemicals Ltd
POCL the leading Secondary Lead Smelter in India. At POCL we produce the highest quality lead and lead alloys and PVC additives which are supplied to our customers who are mainly battery manufacturers, chemical manufacturers and PVC extruded and moulded products. About Fifty percent (50%) of our production is exported to our numerous international customers mainly but not limited....
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sourcingindia.jpgPortfolio Sourcing India
Sourcing India was just an idea, which was conceived by three young dynamic people. The concept then took its roots, became firm and has grown into a strong organization, called "PORTFOLIO SOURCING INDIA".With a sound base, adequate infrastructure and a wide spread network, the Company offers its clients a comprehensive and satisfying relationship right from the word 'go'. Our....
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activepharmaingredients.jpgPrachi Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd
Prachi Pharmaceuticals Private Limited, a GMP certified firm, are engaged in manufacturing and exporting a comprehensive range of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients. Our offered range of products encompasses Iodine compounds, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Specialty Chemicals. These products are formulated using high quality basic ingredients in accordance with the international quality standards. Our company is widely acclaimed for the best....
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Prachin Chemical
Manufacturers of all kinds of sodium cmc, calcium cmc, cross carmellose sodium, sodium starch glycolate etc.

Pranav Enterprises
Manufacturing industrial fragrances such as peach fragrance, rose fragrance, country fields fragrance, jasmine fragrance, herbal fragrance for cosmetics, personal perfumes, soaps and detergents, liquid soaps, toilet soaps and incense sticks.

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