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Chemicals >  Miscellenous Chemicals > Perma Construction Aids Pvt. Ltd
Perma Construction Aids Pvt. Ltd
PERMA CONSTRUCTION AIDS PVT. LTD. is an ISO 9001-2008 certified Company, for Design, Manufacture and supply of Construction Chemical products in India & abroad under the brand name of “PERMA”. The Company also has a rating of SE – 1 A awarded by CRISIL which describes the financial strength of the company.The company’s range of products consists of Integral waterproofing compound, Range of water proof coating in cementitious, acrylic and in latex, Tile fixing adhesives, Tile Joint Filler in cementitious and epoxies, Range of repair and rehabilitation products for distressed concrete structures, Admixtures for concrete, epoxy coatings & toppings, Floor hardeners, Grouts for machine foundation, micro pp fibres, putties and coloured flexible waterproof coatings.The Company operates through a network of authorized Distributors, Applicators and Retailers. To support the network of the Distributors and their Applicators the company has appointed Stockist at each state head quarter to facilitate easy availability of goods.
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Office Address: 611/612, Nirmal Corporate Centre L.B.S. Marg
Mulund (w)
Mumbai, MH, 400080
Phone: +91-22-25918911, 25674690
Fax: +91-22-25903008
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Contact Person: Phone: +91-22-25918911
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