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Chemicals >  Miscellenous Chemicals > Paragon Metachem
Paragon Metachem
Established in the year 1920, we “Paragon Metachem”, are a prominent organization engaged in manufacturing and supplying a commendable gamut of Industrial Chemicals. Conforming to the industry parameters, this range is widely acknowledged for their significant attributes such as longer shelf life, accurate pH value and purity. Moreover, we provide customization facility in terms of composition, as per the requirements of the clients.Our organization is strengthened by a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals and ultramodern infrastructure setup. Team which we are empowered by, comprises highly qualified professionals, who accomplish their concerned responsibility in an effective manner. Our team conducts markets surveys on regular basis so as to keep themselves abreast with the evolving demands of the clients, making us to introduce more effective range. In addition to this, infrastructure which we have, is equipped with all the amenities that make us to accomplish production target within determined time-frame. With a view to make timely and prompt delivery at the clients' end, we have made our setup linked with all the transportation modes. Apart from our qualitative product-gamut, we are widely acknowledged for ethical business practice, timely delivery, customization solutions and flexible transaction modes. With our product-gamut and business practice, we have been able to cater to the requirement of the significant clients, situated across the nation.
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Office Address: Kabibai Trust Building, Ground Floor, No. 14/16, Bhandari Street, Cross Lane
Mumbai, MH, 400003
Phone: +91-22-23426844
Mobile: +91-9820126082, 9323036261
Fax: +91-22-23454075
Contact Person: Phone: +91-22-23426844
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