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Palanad Enterprises
PALANAD ENTERPRISES is experiencing growth at an accelerated pace since its establishment in the year 2007 under the proficient headship of the honorable CEO Mr. P. Satyanarayan. Being an Ex-SAIL executive, we have worked for more than two and half decades in Water Management Chemicals and Treatment Consultancy. The company has also specialized in the dealing of Industrial Hydrochloric Acid, Caustic Soda Flakes, Gas Chlorinator, Sodium Hexametaphosphate, Sodium Metabisulphite, Sulphuric Acid, Hydrazine Hydrate and many more.Owing to the priority to serve quality products, various stringent quality tests are made under the supervision of our quality control executives. For fuller assurance, the tests are conducted from the initial stage of procurement of reliable vendors to the final stage of launch of packed chemicals in the market.We have a huge and established business network that is spread in varied regions of India that facilitates us in providing quality products and prompt services. Our network is also supported with proper means of transportations that further has made us one amidst the prominent HypoChlorite Solution Suppliers in India. Esteemed Clientele.Catering to the exact expectations of the clients, we have set a strong foothold in the Indian Market. Our products and services are widely availed by clients engaged in Power Plant Industries, Steel Industries, Soap and Detergent, Paper and Pulp Industries, Textile Industries and any processing industries where water is being used in the system. Moreover, some of our prestigious clients are as listed
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Office Address: Flat No-110, A-Wing, Rachana Aangan Apartment,subhash Nagar
Squarejaitala Road
Nagpur, MH, 440022
Phone: +91-712-2248889
Fax: +91-712-2248889
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Contact Person: Phone: +91-712-2248889
pardrugs.jpgPar Drugs & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd
Established in the year 1982 and formerly known as M/s PAR INORGANICS, the company was reconstituted as M/s PAR DRUGS & CHEMICALS Pvt. Ltd. in the year 1999.Spin Flash Drier' (SFD) installed having Water Evaporation Capacity of 250 Ltrs/Hrs. at Bhavnagar unit giving a boost to the quality & Productivity. An exclusive plant for Aluminium Hydroxide and other salts....
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pjgroupindia.jpgParagon Metachem
Established in the year 1920, we “Paragon Metachem”, are a prominent organization engaged in manufacturing and supplying a commendable gamut of Industrial Chemicals. Conforming to the industry parameters, this range is widely acknowledged for their significant attributes such as longer shelf life, accurate pH value and purity. Moreover, we provide customization facility in terms of composition, as per the....
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Paramount Industries
Engaged in manufacturing and supplying of polishing compound, red buffing compound, ss buffing compound, white buffing compound, yellow buffing compound, green buffing compound, classic buffing compound and classic white buffing compound.

Paras Alloys & Salts Pvt. Ltd
Manufacturers of antimony trioxide, sodium antimonate, antimony trichloride, potassium pyroantimonate, potassium pyro antimonate, potassium pyroantimonate, zinc acetate, antimony pentachlori.

Paras Intermediates Pvt. Ltd, Gujarat
Manufacturer of glycine, amino acids, ammonium thiocyanate, sodium thiocyanate, potassium thiocyanate, hippuric acid, glycine amide, ferrous glycine sulphate, ethylene thiourea, 2-mercaptobenzimidazole, ammonium carbonate, ammonium carbamate,tartaric acid

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