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Chemicals >  Miscellenous Chemicals > Osrics Pharmachem Pvt. Ltd
Osrics Pharmachem Pvt. Ltd
Manufactures and exports dicalcium phosphate feed grade, dicalcium phosphate ip grade, dicalcium

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Office Address: C 27, Industrial Area, Phase 2,
Sas Nagar, PN, 160055
Contact Person: Phone: +91-172-2268435
oxfordlabchem.jpgOxford Laboratory
Oxford Laboratory is self owned ISO 9001 - 2008 Company, was established in the year 1995 under the control and managed by MR .TUSHAR SHAH. The scope of ISO 9001- 2008 is "Manufacture and Exporters of Laboratory Chemicals, Stain Indicators and Bio Chemicals", Oxford has received such international acceptance from UKAS.Manufacturing, exporting and supplying wide range of Laboratory Chemicals, Bio....
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M/S. P-MET HIGH –TECH COMPANY PVT. LTD. Came into existence in 1976 as a partnership firm by the name of M/S. P-MET COMPANY. Due to consistent growth and establishment of the name for the quality and for the services, it has become desirable to convert it into a Private Limited Company. Accordingly, P-MET HIGH-TECH COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED took over....
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Padmashree Distributors
Supplying a range of chemicals.

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PALANAD ENTERPRISES is experiencing growth at an accelerated pace since its establishment in the year 2007 under the proficient headship of the honorable CEO Mr. P. Satyanarayan. Being an Ex-SAIL executive, we have worked for more than two and half decades in Water Management Chemicals and Treatment Consultancy. The company has also specialized in the dealing of Industrial Hydrochloric....
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Established in the year 1982 and formerly known as M/s PAR INORGANICS, the company was reconstituted as M/s PAR DRUGS & CHEMICALS Pvt. Ltd. in the year 1999.Spin Flash Drier' (SFD) installed having Water Evaporation Capacity of 250 Ltrs/Hrs. at Bhavnagar unit giving a boost to the quality & Productivity. An exclusive plant for Aluminium Hydroxide and other salts....
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