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Chemicals >  Miscellenous Chemicals > Oil Base India
Oil Base India
Manufacturer and supplier of chemicals like barium sulphate, hydrochloric acid, mono chloro acetic acid, stearic acid, calcium hypochlorite, 12 hydroxy stearic acid along with caustic soda flakes, caustic potash flakes, refined glycerine, ricinoleic acid.
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Office Address: KD-181, Ground Floor, Near Kohat Enclave Metro Station
New Delhi, DH, 110034
Phone: +91-11-47049999 / 3
Mobile: +91-8376808258, 9818181009 / 2
Fax: +91-11-23204140
Contact Person: Phone: +91-11-23271240
Om Tex Chem Pvt. Ltd
OM TEX CHEM PVT. LTD. is a fully integrated manufacturer and exporter of Silicone based formulations such as Silicone Emulsions, Silicone Antifoams, Silicone Antifoams 100%, Non Silicon Antifoams, Powder Antifoams, Thread Lubricants, Amino Silicone Emulsions, Hydrophillic Amino Fluids and Water Repellent Emulsions since last decade and are supplying to a wide spectrum of industries like Rubber - Release Application,....
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Omega Industries
Engaged in manufacturing and supplying herbal corp and plant protection chemicals like antifeedent chemical, ovicidal detergent, antibacterial chemical etc for disease controlling, infection inhibition, growth promoting & anti fungal protection.

Orchid Trading Company
Dealers of all kinds of ferric chloride, titanium dioxide, ammonium bisulphite, bleaching powder and water treatment chemicals.

organobiotech.jpgOrgano Laboratories
Organo Biotech is a leading firm in the field of Pathological Lab Chemicals and Reagents and Lab Instruments and is launching its Biochemistry range of Products on August 16, 2009.Organo biotech came into existence about 9 years back. Our growing family comprises of 300+ committed channel partners in India and 10+ channel partners internationally. We export to over 10....
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osamchemicals.jpgOsam Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd
Osam Speciality Chemicals Pvt Ltd is a company that is engaged in the manufacturing of premium quality TEXTILE AUXILIARIES such as sequestering agents, scouring agents, lubricants, dye bath additives, after wash agents, demineralisers, wetting oil, soaping agents and dispersing agents. We also offer an exciting range of EFFLUENT TREATMENT CHEMICALS like textile decolorants, polyelectrolyte, flocculants and coagulants. Established in....
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