Don't use COVID-19 testing kits from two Chinese suppliers: ICMR tells states

Don't use COVID-19 testing kits from two Chinese suppliers: ICMR tells states

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) on Monday asked the state governments to stop using the COVID-19 testing kits that arrived from two Chinese firms.

In a revised advisory, ICMR said that the states should avoid using the Rapid Antibody Blood tests that were procured from Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech and Zhuhai Livzon Diagnostics.

"RT-PCR throat/nasal sweat test is the best use for diagnosis of COViD-19. RT-PCR test detects the virus early and is the best strategy to identify and isolate the individual," read the advisory.

ICMR further said that several states have procured antibody test kits on their demand, ICMR has also provided these kits with clear instructions that they are to be used only for surveillance purposes. Some states have raised issues regarding their performances during the testing exercise that they have undertaken.

The medical body further "evaluated the kits of Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech and Zhuhai Livzon in field conditions. The results have shown wide variation in their sensitivity, despite the early promise of good performance for surveillance purpose."

Meanwhile, the total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection in India neared the 28,000-mark on Monday, while the death toll had topped the 850-mark on this day. At 9:15 AM on Monday, India's COVID-19 tally stood at 27,892, which includes 20,835 active cases, 6,185 cured, discharged, or migrated patients, and 872 deaths.