Don't insist on fee payments from students, pay salary of faculty, no terminations: Centre tells colleges

Don't insist on fee payments from students, pay salary of faculty, no terminations: Centre tells colleges

The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) on Wednesday directed colleges and other educational institutions across the country not to insist on payment of fees till the ongoing nationwide lockdown is lifted.

The ministry issued guidelines to the institutions across the country and asked them to strictly comply with it.

"It has come to the knowledge of AICTE, that certain standalone institutions are insisting that students should pay the fees, including admission fees, during the lockdown. It is clarified that colleges/institutions should not insist on payment of fees till the ongoing lockdown is lifted and normalcy is restored. Further guidelines in this regard communicating the revised timelines will be issued by AICTE in due course," the ministry said in an official statement.

The guidelines further directed all colleges/institutions to display this information on their website and also communicate the same to the students through e-mail.

MHRD also said that online classes will continue during the lockdown. "It is clarified that online classes for the current semester will be continued during the extended lockdown. A revised academic calendar will be issued by UGC/AICTE subsequently. Regarding the conduct of semester examinations, it is clarified that UGC has constituted a committee for recommending the modalities of conduct of examinations, the award of marks and passing criteria in examinations. Directions in this regard will be issued separately. Websites of UGC/AICTE may be perused regularly," read the statement.

Directions have also been issued on the payment of salaries to the faculty members and termintion of service during the lockdown period.

"It has been learnt that various institutions have not paid salary to their faculty and staff members, for the duration of the lockdown. Also, certain institutions have terminated the services of certain faculty/staff members. It Is clarified that salary and other dues to the faculty/staff members will be released for the duration of lockdown and also terminations, if any, made during the lockdown will be withdrawn. Hence, the same may be strictly complied with. A letter in this regard has also been issued to the respective Chief Secretaries of all States/UTs including reimbursement of fees to colleges/institutions," the statement added.

The statement also stated that the Prime Ministers Special Scholarship Scheme (PMSSS) will be continued after the lockdown is lifted.

"Due to the inability of certain students to access internet services, colleges/ institutions are advised to allow students of other colleges/ institutions in their vicinity to access the internet facility at their colleges/ institutions. Hence, colleges/ institutions may accordingly permit students of other colleges/ institutions to share their campus internet facility. Attendance rule may be relaxed in the light of lockdown and unavailability of good bandwidth in certain rural areas," it added.

Regarding the summer internships, the mininstry said that the students can do so from their homes. In case it is not feasible, this requirement may be fulfilled in December 2020.