HOCHTIEF is a giant in Germany and beyond. In addition to doing business throughout Europe, the construction-related services provider operates in the Americas and the Asia/Pacific region and is among the world's largest general builders. US subsidiaries Turner and Flatiron provide building and infrastructure construction. Leighton Holdings, based in Australia, provides engineering and construction services for the infrastructure and mining industries. The group also operates in European countries including the Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, and the UK. HOCHTIEF focuses all of its business around the world in six areas: Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, real estate, services, and concessions.
Contact Details
Office Address
Opernplatz 2, Essen, Germany 45128
Phone: +49-201-824-0
Fax: +49-201-824-2777
Chairman, Supervisory Board
Martin Kohlhaussen
CFO and Member, Executive Board
Burkhard Lohr