Ormat Technologies, Inc.

Ormat Technologies, Inc.

Ormat Technologies is on an environmentally safe power trip, building geothermal as well as recovered energy power plants. Geothermal technology extracts hot water or steam that is vaporized and used to drive turbines. The fluid is then cooled and recycled back through the process, making it a clean and renewable energy source. Recovered energy utilizes heat produced in other industrial processes. The company, set up by Israel-based Ormat Industries, also sells power units for both types of plants, and sells fossil fuel powered turbo-generators with a capacity of between 400 watts and 4,000 watts. Ormat operates power plants (with a total of 518 MW of power) in Guatemala (2), Kenya, Nicaragua, and the US (10).

Contact Details

Office Address

Ormat Technologies, Inc.
6225 Neil Rd., Ste. 300
Reno, NV, USA 89511-1136
Phone: (775) 356-9029
Fax: (775) 356-9039


Chairman and CTO

Lucien Y. Bronicki

CEO and Director

Yehudit (Dita) Bronicki

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